Build Your Own MACD Zero Cross Strategy using MetaTrader and Python

James Hinton
5 min readMar 22, 2023
Futuristic robot running an automated strategy
Algorithmic Trading Bot Image

You’ll be getting your own MACD Zero Cross Strategy BUY signals and SELL signals by the end of this article!

Using Python code and MetaTrader 5, the signals will be completely customizable by you so you can figure out what combination generates profit for every trading pair!

Read on to find out how.

Update August 2023

I could never have anticipated how popular this blog, along with a YouTube channel would become.

After a listening to my readers/viewers feedback, I realized that many people were spending huge amounts of time trying to solve installation/configuration problems — rather than experiencing the joy of algorithmic trading.

I want to change this narrative — and in so doing, open up algorithmic trading for everyone.

To do this, I’ve recently launched Tradeoxy: Trading For Everyone.

If you’re reading this, Tradeoxy will simplify 90% of this series, using a series of powerful API’s and easy to use tooling.

Currently it’s in the early-access / building stage and I’d be incredibly grateful if you’d join us on this adventure. Your feedback will help us shape a better product.



James Hinton

Passionate algorithmic trader and Cyber Security expert. Love developing helpful content.